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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Props to Kitty Kelly for going where the liberal media (not to mention all those fucking moralizing conservatives) should have gone four years ago. I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop ever since news of Bush's drunk-driving conviction came to light just before the last election.

Hmmm... blow job in the Oval Office or blow at Camp David? Neither strikes me as an actionable offense (though tell that to Bill Bennett.) It might make a difference though when it comes to my confidence in the capacity of one or the other to competently lead the country.

Sure, Kelly's book is trashy, but then, putting character aside for a moment and looking at the last four years from a policy point of view, this administration has given us plenty of garbage itself. And next to Ann "Bas" Coulter, I'm sure this looks like fucking Jane Austen.

Now somebody get me a Special Prosecutor.