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Macked and Anonymous writes: > Dear Mad-dog T, > ...

Star Wars Kid, you are a worthy foe.

My email program, Outlook Express (ver. 5.5.) star...

9pm naps are never a good idea.

I got home this evening and opened my mailbox to f...

Quite a news day: "Study: U. of Colorado No. 1 Pa...

Not a big Phish fan. But still shocked and bewild...

Came across this story on the AP wire: > SOUTH WI...

Ok. ATT is off the enemies list. But they're not...

Itinerant aesthete, Big Mack, emails me this weeke...


Friday, August 22, 2003
I had never heard of Friendster before NPR did a story on it a couple weeks ago. Now, it turns out, everyone I meet is a Friendster. Even people in Pittsburgh knew about it before me. What the hell happened? How did I fall so far behind? Borrow some Zeppelin tapes, anyone?

I know you're probably already hip to it, but if for some god-awful reason you're older and more out-of-touch than me, here are some reasons to sign up.