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Star Wars Kid, you are a worthy foe.

My email program, Outlook Express (ver. 5.5.) star...

9pm naps are never a good idea.

I got home this evening and opened my mailbox to f...

Quite a news day: "Study: U. of Colorado No. 1 Pa...

Not a big Phish fan. But still shocked and bewild...

Came across this story on the AP wire: > SOUTH WI...

Ok. ATT is off the enemies list. But they're not...

Itinerant aesthete, Big Mack, emails me this weeke...

Yeah, this cat knows what I'm talking about.


Friday, August 22, 2003
Macked and Anonymous writes:

> Dear Mad-dog T,
> I have the unsavory though ineradicable habit of
> googling myself over the course of any given day, and
> consequently stumbled upon my name associated with a
> certain Bob Dylan movie. A thousand thankyous I bestow
> on you for such a reference.

Although World War II heroes will scoff and the Church may condemn it, who among us hasn't googled himself? As for myself, I'm almost a bonafide googlewhack. See for yourself : Tomohiro Idokoro.