A shameful moment in the life of Tomohiro Idokoro:
I had a power bar and a couple cups of soy milk before surfing yesterday. I think I must have had too much protein. After about an hour out in the water, my digestive system decided to run an evacuation drill. Resisted as long as I could, but there was no way I was going to make it in in time to get to the restroom. (No outhouses down at Blacks anyway.) So I paddled as far outside and away from any other surfers as possible, dropped trow, and as discreetly as possible, did my environmental damage. Soon enveloped in a rank orange bloom of my own feces. Smelled something awful. I can imagine those munches at Quick & Reilly saying, "Who's been shit-listed now?" Felt naked and ashamed before the world, and yet greatly relieved and even at peace, not unlike Pip in that scene in Moby Dick when he is lost out in open ocean during one of the whale hunts. The crap broke up fairly quickly and no one seemed to notice my odd behavior. At least, they did not comment (or hoot and holler) about it. Fortunately, this was early afternoon and about as uncrowded as it would be all day. Surfed another 45 minutes and was not arrested when I returned to the beach.
No reason to believe that this event was connected with the big blackout back east yesterday despite their close proximity in time.