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Monday, April 24, 2006
NSBA: 1-866-310-9661
I just got a voice-recorded phone call from John at NSBA offering me instantaneous approval on a new credit card. I've got 2 credit cards -- one I use and one I keep in my fallout shelter for use after the big one. I don't need another one so I told John to fuck off. Since he was only a voice-recording, he didn't take it personally. If you want it, you can phone him at:

1-866-310-9661 x.103

Or just call and say hello. Boiler room operators, in my experience, are always happy to have someone call just to say hello.
Anonymous Anonymous comments:
You don't even need to dial the extension and they answer on the 3rd ring. Totally unflappable, so they must deal with a lot of pissed off people. They've been hitting my phone twice a week for several years. I don't know if telling 'em to knock it off works or not, so I guess we'll see.

Before 2000, they used live agents. After that it's been the roboplayer. Given the timing, it's something else we can thank Shrub for.
Anonymous Anonymous comments:
Somebody please tell me how to make him stop....I am an operator for a large company and I get this recording, along with a couple of others that just won't's been almost 2 years...they should not be allowed to call you like that constantly but much less a business......
Anonymous Anonymous comments:
first off don't blame capitolism if you want communism or socialism go to another country or vote for Obama, the problem is individual companies doing stuff like this.
Blogger Tomohiro Idokoro comments:
first off don't blame capitolism if you want communism or socialism go to another country or vote for Obama, the problem is individual companies doing stuff like this.

Firstly, fuck you.

Secondly, if you like capitalism so much, learn to spell it.

Thirdly, I did vote for Obama. And my mail-in ballot is in the mail.

Fourthly, by voting for Obama, I'm bringing socialism to me. And you. If you don't like that, you can move to another country. Like Kurdistan. I hear the free market's thriving there.
Anonymous Anonymous comments:
when they call, push 2, and another automated thing comes on and says that they are going to take your number off of the lists! It's limited the number of calls that I've received, but they still call and I keep pushing 2!