From the LA Times:
Self-Proclaimed Governor of the People Is Fading as Lord of the Polls
Voters were read these statements, with the order rotated from call to call, and asked to agree or disagree:
· "He's doing a good job of working with legislators and getting things done." Agree 43%, disagree 43%.
· "He's right to bypass lawmakers and focus on his ballot initiatives." Agree 38%, disagree 47%.
· "He's too interested in gimmicks, public relations and image." Agree 49%, disagree 41%.
· "He should be putting more effort into working with legislators so he'd get more done." Agree 62%, disagree 25%. Even Republicans agree, 49% to 34%.
The bullshit is starting to catch up with Schwarzeneggar. Talk is cheap. And it can only take you so far. Arnold's starting to find out how hard it is to make friends without money -- public money.
The dilemma: does he tax the rich and alienate his campaign funding base? Or does he continue to nickle-and-dime the poor and middle-class and alienate his populist base?