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In honor of election day

The wide world has not wealth to buy/ The power in...

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Bizarro Voter's Guide


Sunday, November 07, 2004
Unfortunately, it's not because he cheated:

In Pasco County and other places, Republicans relentlessly called and visited members of their base and the so-called lazy voters in the 72 hours before Election Day, extracting promises that they would vote. Mr. Bunting rented and borrowed six vans to drive voters to the polls on Election Day. When surveys of voters leaving the polls showed Mr. Kerry leading that afternoon, volunteers crammed into tiny offices to make hundreds of last-minute calls.

Late on Tuesday afternoon, a polling place near Pensacola Christian College ran out of ballots, forcing more than 1,000 voters to wait in the rain for hours. The Republican Party handed out bottled water to the voters, who sang "God Bless America." When the polls in most of the state closed at 7 p.m., volunteers statewide placed more than 100,000 get-out-the-vote calls to Escambia County, home of Pensacola, which is on Central time and had another hour of voting.

-- New York Times

He's got political capital. Watch him squander it.