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Friday, June 25, 2004
Pet Lovers Irate About Governor's Idea for Strays

As a favor to the state's cash-poor counties and cities, Schwarzenegger has asked the state Legislature to reverse the 1998 law, which makes adoption of wayward pets the first priority of shelters instead of quickly putting them to death. The law is dubbed the Hayden Act, after former Santa Monica state senator and activist Tom Hayden.

Give the gov. credit for balls here. Though not huge balls -- the rule change would not apply to cats and dogs. Again, I'm actually with him on this issue. In large part because it exposes a hidden cost in sparing taxes on the wealthy. You can't have it all: freshly paved streets, world class universities, free vehicle registration, a docile proletariat, clean beaches and homeless gerbil shelters. Besides, there's a larger civic principle at issue here. I think the state should randomly seize loved family pets and put them to sleep, kind of like the Aztecs used to do when they ripped the hearts out of live virgins. Just to remind these punks who's at the top of the food chain and who's really in charge.