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Saturday, May 29, 2004
Another ugly fat middle-aged white guy from the Internet wins the World Series of Poker:

Call it the Moneymaker Effect. For the second straight year, an Internet unknown won the famed World Series (news - web sites) of Poker on Friday, ravaging a field of professional players on his way to glory and riches.

Greg "Fossilman" Raymer, a patent lawyer from Stonington, Conn., earned a spot in the 35th annual No-Limit Texas Hold'Em event after winning a $150 satellite tournament on (AP Article)

The Moneymaker Effect: put on about 120 lbs, spend 16 hours a day in front of a computer, and forget everything you knew about probability, and you too have a chance to be a poker legend. By the way, I read that Moneymaker got knocked out on the first day of the tournament this year. I'm telling you -- give it a couple more years: this thing is going to be bigger than NASCAR. (It's already bigger than baseball and hockey.)

For more on long odds and poker dreams, see this site: Send Robert Cohen to the World Series of Poker