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I saw it! Finally, I saw it! The bioluminescence...

A couple days ago I forwarded the Tom Friedman col...

Ok, I've got to blow off some steam. Back when I ...

Eucalyptus trees, I've realized since moving into ...

Can Arnold Schwarzenegger and California's environ...

ARNOLD WINS! A new blockbuster in demagoguery. W...

Vote no on the recall tomorrow! And no on prop....

A not quite couple-weeks-old Salon article on the ...

The LA Times served up a twitchy piece of three-ey...

Well, my vote was wasted. True, Huffington wasn't...


Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Yeah, fuck you, rhinovirus. I came down with a cold Friday night. (I'm still tracking down the vector, but, suspiciously, a student I had met with during office hours Friday showed up to class Monday sniffling and coughing, too.) It's now Wednesday and I'm over it. Done. A little residual hacking, but not even a sniffle. The secret? 35,000% of my daily recommended allowance of Vitamin-C four days running. Yeah, smell like a life-sized Flinstone vitamin and I'm sweating Tang, but I'm invincible. INVINCIBLE!