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Friday, November 11, 2005
You get what you deserve...

Sometimes you get what you deserve.

Mostly, you get what your parents deserve.

Why should I be penalised if my mother is a crack whore? That's not my fault, is it?

Simple fact is, the standard of living/health care/education of 99.9% of the the children in America is not attributable to the children. Children of the poor, are getting punished through accident of birth, not for any other reason.

Why should I be penalised if my mother is a crack whore? That's not my fault, is it?

It is if you sold her the crack.

I did not sell my mother crack.

I exchanged it for sex.
Blogger Tomohiro Idokoro comments:
Believe me, bitch, I'm already a great French kisser. Try me. I dare you.

And stop leaving your sloppy, diseased spam on people's blogs and website, you skanky french scumbag.