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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Speaking of bad karma
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I wake up this morning to the sounds of 89.7 KSGN - Good News Radio. Bad karma has boosted their broadcast signal so it now bleeds into KCRW's signal on my clock-radio. I knew I should have donated to KCRW during their pledge drive.

Look at this nonsense: online prayer forms. Let's see if this shit even works:

Heavenly Father,

Please take out KSGN's broadcast antenna so their signal will stop bleeding into KCRW's when my clock-radio comes on in the morning.

And play more Bruce Springsteen.
Blogger Tomohiro Idokoro comments:
Bruce who???

In His name and for His glory,

Mark Lohman
89.7 FM KSGN
11498 Pierce Street
Riverside, CA 92505
P: 951-687-5746
F: 951-785-2288
At least they have a sense of humor.