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Thursday, January 28, 2010
Derifil May Reverse DNA Damage!

But you'd have to have brain damage to try it. From an article my grandmother saved for me from one of her "health journals":

Researchers recently conducted a double-blind study in Qidong, China, an area with extraordinarily high rate of liver cancer. The researchers gave 90 people a cholorophyll table and the other 90 a placebo. They took blood and urine sample to measure DNA damage and by-products of aflatoxins exposure. In just 3 months, the poeple taking the chlorophyll had a 55% reduction in toxic exposure and DNA damage!

The chlorophyll used in the studay is call Derifil, and you can buy it over-the-counter with a prescription. Take 100 milligrams, three times a day.

Unfortunately, the reason why the 90 people taking Derifil probably had a reduction in their toxic exposure was that they weren't allow to go outside for the 3 months by the local officials who had volunteered them for this study.

Anyway, if you're smart enough to realize why that study was a joke, you're probably in no danger of taking Derifil. And if you're not, then you probably shouldn't be taking any supplements that don't have the Flintstones on the bottle.
