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Thursday, January 17, 2008
This email pisses me off on so many level. But mainly because it's spam:


Blogger Unknown comments:
There are tens of thousands of LinkedIn members who publish their email address on their profile and Answers precisely because they want to be contacted and invited by other members.

It's not a black and white issue. Some argue that you shouldn't publish your email address if you don't want to be contacted. Others say any contact that is not personalized is inappropriate.

Unlike other LinkedIn members, I am mindful that inviting contact and inviting an invitation are not the same. LinkedIn certainly doesn’t see it that way as members are penalized for invitations from people they don’t know.

I do effect a compromise. If I have several people I’m contacting it’s not practical to individually write each one. While my message isn’t personal, it is relevant (with LinkedIn resources for a fellow LinkedIn member), professional, tells you a little about me, and is not a direct LinkedIn invitation. Virtually everyone I hear from, except you, appreciates that approach, which goes far beyond what most other LinkedIn open networkers do. I'm sorry it didn't work for you.

I’ve brought up this thread at our LinkedIn forum at . I invite you to join the discussion there.

Marc Freedman
Anonymous Anonymous comments:
I agree with Marc. If you do not want to be treated as an open networker then you should not publish your email address without clearly stating the restrictions for contacting you.

Marc's email may not have been written speciffically for you, however, it provides a great deal of information about:

1. Who Marc is,
2. Why he is contacting you,
3. What he looking for in requesting the contact...

and more importantly he describes what he is offering you.

Going to an event that is advertised as a networking event and then complaining because somebody takes the time to introduce have got to be kidding!


Andrew Moffat
Anonymous Anonymous comments:
Marc, is an Open Networker in all senses of the words and definitions.Marc groups are all about networking and participation. You choose to be a member and how much you wish to participate.Not everyone agrees with the way we network, or with open networking. But the delete key is always available to the user.Spam is not a problem, if you know how to use (spam blockers/filters) wisely as tools.Linkedin is a tool, and we are making are selves open to all comers with email address links in our profile.So you be the judge. Not everyone on Linkedin is an open networker nor a recruiter.Marc is not shy in his everyday pursuit of opne networking and open forums for members. Don't judge someon by one introduction or his profile....thank you
> Bret Payne
> Open NETworker
Blogger Tomohiro Idokoro comments:
unsolicited mass-mailed crap promoting MLM schemes = spam
Blogger Nonkel Luc comments:
Adding your email address to your LI profile is asking for people to contact you, just like warring the LION title. Even if the mails you receive do not have a personal message, you shout not complain, you asked for it, and please be aware that the real SPAM firms will also pick up your mail address!!
Marc I support your opinion for 110%

Best regards

Luc Verdegem [LION]
Anonymous Anonymous comments:
SPAM is unsolicited commercial email. When you publish your email address, you abandon any claim that ANYTHING is unsolicited. It clearly is not commercial.

Marc's email to you is not SPAM. He has simply responded to your invitation.
Blogger Tomohiro Idokoro comments:
SPAM is unsolicited commercial email. When you publish your email address, you abandon any claim that ANYTHING is unsolicited. It clearly is not commercial.

Marc's email to you is not SPAM. He has simply responded to your invitation.

Jesus Christ. With all the time you waste defending your b.s. marketing practices, where do you find the time to do any social networking?

You guys are worse than Scientologists.
Anonymous Anonymous comments:
One very simple comment to offer: if you would rather remain cloistered and closed, then don't put your email address where everybody can see it. is a networking site; if you don't want to be contacted by people you don't know don't share your mail id;
Responsibility of being open is yours, please do not ascribe blame to another. Marc is upfront about why it is a good idea to connect to him. You do not want to accept his invite, please don't. But please don't cry "wolf", where there is none!