I ignored his goddamned spam the first 8 times I got it. But even ignorance has its limits.
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 10:44:13 -0800
From: Steve Moyers
Message-Id: <200712201844.lBKIiCf0015014@mail.mywehost.com>
To: tidokoro@gmail.com
Reply-to: steve@mywehost.com
Subject: Part-time website marketing opportunity
We are looking for energetic individuals to promote our website on a part-time basis.
You get paid for promoting our site. Your contribution is measured through very well
defined metrics, so at any given time, you know how well you are doing and how much
money you're making.
This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. You don't get rich overnight. But you can make
good money for the time you may already be spending on your leisure activities.
There is no age limit for doing this work, you can be 16 or 96. But to succeed, you must
enjoy interacting with family and friends online, and have strong social skills.
If you are interested, and live in the U.S. or can receive payments in U.S., reply to
this email so we can take this to the next step.
Steve Moyers
p.s. to be removed from this list, send email to remove@mywehost.com with your email
address in the subject line.
You want to get promoted? I hereby promote you to mega-douchebag status.
(The irony is, if he would have included the website he wanted to promote in his message, it would be getting promoted right now.)
Labels: spam