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Fucking Nerds

Why They Say RTFM

Taking It to the Street

One Foot on a Stone

I just swallowed something in my coffee.

Craziest Thing You Did at Disneyland

SBC Call Annoyance Bureau, Heal Thyself

The Perfect Hot Buttered Rum

Shit, 2005!

Two Headlines from Todays New York Times


Friday, January 14, 2005
A woman angry with her 12-year-old daughter for having sex forced the girl to drink bleach and sat on her until the child died, a police detective said.

...[the mother], who has been jailed without bond since shortly after her daughter's Nov. 26 death, told authorities she was disturbed because "her daughter told her that she was no longer a virgin.

In the red-letter words of Strawberry Jesus:

"That's a serious waste of some 12 year-old poon."