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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Taking It to the Street
So I'm coming back from lunch this afternoon and as I approach the complex my office is in, I notice this guy with platinum blonde hair walking out of the parking lot without a shirt on. Now the weather is a lot nicer today than it has been and he had a nice physique, but still, I'm think, "What's this guy trying to prove?" As I'm turning into the next entrance to the parking lot, I notice another guy (wearing shirt) run up to this guy and they start circling each other, fists in the air. It's hard to tell if they're serious or just fucking around. But there's a few other guys in the parking lot eyeing things who look ready to spring. They're all in their early 20s and look like the Orange County, raised pick-up driving type. Too dumb to go to a state college, but too smart to go to war. Out in front of the office in the corner of the complex, there's a guy in a suit who looks like he wants to intervene, but things have gotten beyond his control. And there's a bunch of secretaries near the entrance, everyone watching whatever the hell this is. I haven't seen anything like it since high school.

I thought about pulling up to see what was going on. But someone's shirt or sweater was blocking the only available parking spot. And I was a little late getting back from lunch.

I think the company is called the Dana Capital group or something. I'm guessing it was a couple of telemarketers with a professional difference of opinion who just decided to settle it old school and keep it real. Or maybe just a morale-boosting exercise taken too far.